Building Bridges to Digital Islands

Collaborative working relationships are the reality for any industry. By building closer partnerships up and down the supply chain with suppliers, distributors and customers, organisations improve performance, reduce time-to-market and costs, thus improving profit, providing room to innovative. Your suppliers, partners and customers are all critical to your business success and profitability. They require immediate and secure access to relevant data to help them make important decisions on your behalf, to maintain…

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How black was your Friday?

From being a purely American phenomenon, the idea of Black Friday sales has rapidly caught on elsewhere in the last few years. 2016 saw Black Friday sales in the UK reach their highest level for two years (AUTHORITY URL: with more than £1.2 billion being spent online alone) Black Friday represents a pre-Christmas boost for retailers and a useful extension to the holiday shopping period. But the success of their…

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APIS, multi-tiered application architecture and Microservices- An Investigation

  Author: John Ormerod Date: August 2016     Contents Introduction 3 What is the Problem? 3 Case Study 4 What is a Multi-tier Architecture? 5 Why is a multi-tier architecture so effective? 6 What is a Microservice? 8 Why Use Microservices? 8 Monolithic applications 8 Characteristics of a Microservice 9 How do Microservices and a Multi-tiered Architecture Fit Together? 9 Re-use and Change when using an API-led Tiered Architecture…

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Unlocking data to provide customer insights

Information has always been key to understanding customers. In the days before information technology this manifested itself in the business owner knowing his or her clients and their tastes, asking after their children and generally building a positive relationship. In the information age things are, perhaps, a little more removed, but businesses have the potential to know more about their customers than ever before. Every transaction leaves a trail and…

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Bourne or Bond. Which one are you in the API world?

The two best known spy film genres are Jason Bourne and James Bond. The two on the face of it do a very similar job, but the way they go about it are subtly different. James Bond is suave, sophisticated, independent. Yet if you drill a little deeper, James is very dependent on the whole of MI6 to deliver his service. After all where would 007 be without Q &…

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W3Partnership becomes a Digital Outcomes supplier, how will this affect customers?

The world is increasingly turning towards digital technology and the cloud to transform business processes and make the handling of data more streamlined. Whilst the public sector may have been slow to grasp this move to a digital world at first, it’s now starting to catch up. The UK Government has launched its own Digital Marketplace, making it easier for public sector bodies to buy the digital services that they…

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Payment Service Directive (PSD2) and what it means for retailers

The revised Payment Services Directive ( PSD2 ) was adopted by the European parliament in the final quarter of last year. Yet many retailers remain unclear about what it actually means for them or for their businesses. Let’s take a look at what changes it will make, why they’re important and how developing strong API’s will be key to implementing this new directive. Background The idea of the original Payments Services…

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