In our Blog of 19th May 2017, ” HOW MONITORING CAN HELP TO ENSURE THAT YOUR BUSINESS STAYS HEALTHY” we introduced the reader to nJAMS. nJAMS provides a true understanding of what is actually going on across the value chain, and why. It empowers organisations by providing process insights, so they know more about their business operations and can quickly take action. It also promotes better decision making, offers the…
Read MoreThe fourth industrial revolution
The first industrial revolution used fossil fuels to mechanise industry and make mass transport available; the second saw the rise of mass production; and the third the rise of automation in production. The fourth will see the lines between the physical, digital and even biological worlds begin to blur. What is different is the speed at which all of this is taking place. Businesses that fail to embrace it risk…
In the modern world, no business exists in isolation. In the retail sector, perhaps more than any other, this means that information from customers, suppliers and distributors is vital to delivering effective services. Business to Business In order to succeed, retail and consumer companies are forging ever closer ties. This allows them to make better decisions, get goods to stores in a timely manner, and market them effectively. All of…
Read MoreRemove the Barriers and You can Close the Digital Divide.
You might think that as we become increasingly reliant upon technology in our everyday lives, any business would be keen to embrace the technological future in order to communicate better with its customers and improve profitability. However, research last year from the CBI and IBM ( reveals that there’s a growing digital divide emerging in the UK economy with a little over half of all companies embracing the digital economy…
Read MoreValue Chain to Value Network
Value chains have played a major part in organisational growth over the past years. However in the digital world the empowered buyer has become central to the supply process as quality, price and friction less delivery are increasingly vital as competition increases. This in turn drives the need for relationships between customers, suppliers and partners that are more multi-dimensional and as a consequence Value Chains are giving way to Value…
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