In our Blog of 19th May 2017, ” HOW MONITORING CAN HELP TO ENSURE THAT YOUR BUSINESS STAYS HEALTHY” we introduced the reader to nJAMS. nJAMS provides a true understanding of what is actually going on across the value chain, and why. It empowers organisations by providing process insights, so they know more about their business operations and can quickly take action. It also promotes better decision making, offers the…

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Finance and the digital divide – Don’t get left behind

Businesses across all industry sectors are looking for ways to integrate applications and systems to make their processes easier, quicker, and to provide a solid framework for growth and change. Nowhere is this truer than in the financial sector. Customers are demanding easier access to their accounts from the web and from mobile apps, but at the same time businesses are under pressure to ensure that their systems are secure…

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Public sector bodies use integration to protect investment

At a time when budgets are under pressure, public sector bodies need to get the most from their spending. This applies just as much to IT projects as it does to anything else. Indeed, effective deployment of IT can help to stretch other budgets and make better use of resources overall. The Government is keen to encourage digital projects and has set up its own G-Cloud digital marketplace to help…

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The fourth industrial revolution

The first industrial revolution used fossil fuels to mechanise industry and make mass transport available; the second saw the rise of mass production; and the third the rise of automation in production. The fourth will see the lines between the physical, digital and even biological worlds begin to blur. What is different is the speed at which all of this is taking place. Businesses that fail to embrace it risk…

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You can only run a business successfully if you understand what’s happening. In the past that’s been relatively easy, but as organisations become larger and more complex and rely increasingly upon technology, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with information to the point where you can’t see the important parts. Many applications, such as ERP systems and customer information systems offer insight into parts of the business, but it’s difficult to…

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Think Smarter and don’t walk a Tightrope with your Digital Integration Projects

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W3 Smarter Integration Platform – helping to improve business efficiency by providing an integration capability in weeks rather than months. Businesses today are constantly under pressure to integrate their technology, both in-house and with their partners and suppliers, in order to streamline their operations and deliver a more efficient supply chain. To make sure that any such integration is as smooth and painless as possible, it’s essential to have a…

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In the modern world, no business exists in isolation. In the retail sector, perhaps more than any other, this means that information from customers, suppliers and distributors is vital to delivering effective services. Business to Business In order to succeed, retail and consumer companies are forging ever closer ties. This allows them to make better decisions, get goods to stores in a timely manner, and market them effectively. All of…

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Remove the Barriers and You can Close the Digital Divide.

You might think that as we become increasingly reliant upon technology in our everyday lives, any business would be keen to embrace the technological future in order to communicate better with its customers and improve profitability. However, research last year from the CBI and IBM ( reveals that there’s a growing digital divide emerging in the UK economy with a little over half of all companies embracing the digital economy…

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Closing the Digital Divide

Closing the Digital Divide – Seven things you need to get right in order to take advantage of the digitised supply chain. More than ever before, commerce today relies upon close collaboration between businesses at all stages of the supply chain. This enables suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and ultimately customers to benefit from a boost in performance, reduced time-to-market and lower costs. Ultimately this means bigger profits, but it also gives…

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Webinar – The Importance of APIs and Securing the Value Chain.

W3Partnership would like to invite you to our forthcoming webinar, “The Importance of APIs and Securing the Value Chain”. Our Speakers Marcus Langford – Chief Operating Officer of W3Partnership, who are Digital Integration specialist having delivered numerous Integration projects to the Retail, Industrial and Government Sectors. Andrew Howarth – UK Sales Lead for the IBM API Economy. Andrew has 20 years’ experience within IBM and a strong understanding of what…

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